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One step that is guaranteed to make your website better

Author: Ben Jeffery

There's one step you can take today that will make your website look better, represent your business more effectively, and get results.

Content management

A content management system (CMS) that - crucially - is easy to use, will make your website better. It's the difference between a flat, out-of-date website and one that's dynamic and engaging.

It's our job to give clients the website their business deserves. A surprising number of business owners and staff are embarrassed to give out their website address because they know it doesn't live up to what they do. If you're proud of your products or services and your customers' experience, you can be proud of your website too.

Content management

Content management puts you in charge of your website, and removes two fundamental barriers: money and time. If you can update your website for free, you never have to worry about the financial implications of making changes, so you'll do it more often.

Perhaps more importantly, content management means you can make changes to your website instantly. The compliment you heard from a customer on the phone. The latest product you want to shout about. The idea you had in this morning's meeting. They can all be on your website within a couple of minutes.

There's no need to wait for your website developer to fit in the work. And because it's instant, you'll do it more often. You'll get used to being able to make changes instantly, and you'll be more likely to spot the next change you can make.

Your website will not only be more up to date, but also more accurate. That means a website that actually reflects your business, which will in turn do a better job of convincing people they're in the right place, and making them more likely to pick up the phone.

To find out more about how easy it is to update your own website, send us an email or phone 01242 244620 for a free online demo or meeting.

"The thing I love is your content management - it's fantastic, it's easy, you explained it once and I haven't had to ask about it again."
Anna Cooper, Travelling Lightly.

"Still find myself impressed with the simplicity of changing and adding to the website content."
Martin Sime, Industrial Interface