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Our top 10 online web developer tools

Author: Justin Munro

We have compiled a list of our top 10 online web developer tools. These all come in very handy throughout the development of a web system.

Beanstalk App (version control)


Excellent online SVN repository that enables us to manage code updates whilst at the same time providing a valuable offsite backup of our core applications. The simple online user interface makes using SVN a breeze.

Pixlr (image editor)


Simple and accessible online image editor. We use it to cut, paste, crop and manipulate images for inclusion on websites when we don't have access to any other tools. It is also something we recommend to our clients for them to edit images before uploading via the CMS.

Choose your ipsum (placeholder text)

Choose your ipsum

When you get bored of standard lorem ipsum filler text this really is the place to go! From Batman Ipsum to Downton Ipsum with over 50 ipsums you are spoilt for choice of non-offensive waffle!

BrowserStack (cross-browser testing)

Browser Stack

We use BrowserStack to test across unusual browsers. In particular its mobile browser testing saves us keeping a lot of old mobile phones around and rather than static screenshots its live interface gives a much clearer picture of cross browser behaviour.

Support Details (technical support info)

Support Details

How many times have your clients phoned to say they've got a website error you can't see? Send them to this website and instantly find out what browser, operating system and even screen resolution they are using, so you can replicate the issue at your end.

WeTransfer (file transfer)


When you need to send a file too large for email, there are lots of options out there. We use WeTransfer as it's free for up to 2gb (there's also a paid service available).

BuiltWith (site code audit)


Been asked to support some strange old website? Use BuiltWith to instantly find out what technology is used, including code, server information and even their email service provider.

Placehold.IT (placeholder images)


Need to quickly generate a bespoke placeholder image? This is an extremely simple tool for doing just that. You just specify your image width and height in the address bar after the url and a placeholder image will be automatically generated for you.

RegExr (regular expression creator/validator)


Regular expressions can often be a nightmare to create, especially since they are extremely difficult to validate. This handy tool makes the process of creating and validating one a lot easier. It includes code samples and community examples so you may be able to find one that has already been created and just use that.

JSON Generator


A fast way to create some example JSON code with unique fields. It includes many merge fields that can be used to automate certain fields in your JSON code and allows for lots of fields to be created at once. You can also save your created JSON for 30 days.