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Twitter and Facebook posting from your website

Author: James Brown

Now we have a blog on our new website we wanted to automatically update our Twitter feed with the latest items. Upon researching this we found a simple solution provided at the following address - Twitter feed allows you to update your Twitter and Facebook accounts from an RSS feed generated from your web site content, such as news items or blog entries.

Firstly you need to generate an RSS feed from the content of your site. As an example this might be inlcude a news title and full story. Once you have this file set up correctly you need to register for an account with Twitter Feed.

Within Twitter Feed you can create a new feed specifying a description and the URL of your RSS feed. You also have a number of advanced options such as update frequency, post content (e.g. title & description), sort order etc. The second stage of the process is where you enter your account details for Twitter or Facebook in order for these accounts to be updated automatically, whether it be a status update or a new tweet.